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Design and Innovation Updates

About a year ago, we switched from our initial Front Grease design to our new and improved Rear Grease Management System. One of the things we always strive for here at Blackstone is excellence. We have a world-class design team that is continually innovating, if you could only see our design studio! It's full of gadgets and gizmos galore, as we strive to make our products and griddles better and better every day. We have received quite a few inquiries about the change from Front to Rear grease.

While we are pleased and proud of our flagship 36” Blackstone Griddle, the design needed a few improvements. We considered things like efficiency, ease of use, and most importantly safety. The underlying logic is that pushing piping hot grease AWAY from you vs. pulling grease TOWARD you is a much better design, we want you to have the best possible experience while using our amazing griddles. Another key component in our decision to move to a Rear Grease design is the ease of use, practice mastering your spatula skills! With the Rear Grease design, your body is naturally in a better position to manipulate the grease toward a single spout vs. a long and narrow channel.

In no way are we done innovating and making our products better, we aren’t too proud to receive recommendations and ideas from all of you. All of you are the reason we do this in the first place. We make excellent griddles, and we want nothing more than to perfect our design, and with your help, we can do it. Let us know what you would like to see from us in the future. What are some updates you would love? How would you make your griddle experience better? We are a diverse and wonderful Griddle Nation, and together we can create some of the very best griddles on the planet!

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